
A Radical Idea for Transforming American Government

Given the incredible amount of time, energy and money we are devoting to this national campaign season, you would think that the outcome will produce meaningful and lasting results. Americans are looking for something decisive to happen. It’s the hope something will be settled once and for all. Key questions will be answered. Policies issues will be resolved. One ideology will win over the other. If that’s the case, let’s get on with it. Anything is better than this. The problem is there is virtually no chance that will happen.

We are probably close enough now to know whoever “Wins the Whitehouse” (I find that phrase fascinating) will find the same political dynamics ready to greet him on the first day. The electoral hangover we will feel as we step closer to the realities of the fiscal cliff will have us holding our aching heads and asking ourselves, “What were we thinking?”

I’ve been thinking more and more about November 7. On the dawn of that morning after the election, some will be elated, others despondent. Together we will enter a season of reflection about what we do next. The unfortunate reality is this election will not serve to clarify, but to complicate. While the overt bitterness may recede a bit, there will be political payback. The closeness of the outcome will not provide a mandate and our government in all likelihood will remain divided. Constituent expectations for sustained commitments to campaign promises, ideological purity and party fealty will persist.

So what do we do?

I have an idea. It’s a step short of a constitutional convention, and it just might work. I base this idea on the assumption we need democratic renewal more than we need to pass legislation. Let’s be honest, the amount of meaningful legislation adopted in the past two years gives us a signal about how productive the next two years will be if we attempt to proceed with business as usual. Accordingly, if we were to set aside just the next two years, we could undertake “An Initiative for American Democratic Renewal.” It would work something like this:

First, we freeze everything in place for two years. Yes, that means we would back away from the fiscal cliff by unanimously rescinding or extending legislation as appropriate to avoid calamity. These various pieces of legislation were poorly crafted and timed, and designed to overcome collective incompetence. So, if we just hit the “stop” button, we will be better off in the long run as it is becoming clearer our real problems run much deeper than budgets and deficits. We all need to breathe into a bag for a while and settle down. Think of it as an autopilot function we switch on as cabinet secretaries and agency heads keep the activities of the government idling quietly. It sounds really scary, but the alternative may be even worse for our republic.

Second, we agree the members elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate in November 2012 are guaranteed reelection in November 2014. This takes the need for endless fundraising off the table for now. Each of the 535 members of Congress is then assigned for the two-year renewal period to work in a school or community in a state other than their own. The best design would place members in different regions and in different settings. If a member is from an urban area, the assignment should be in a rural area. Those from the middle of the country should be assigned to the coasts. There are many forms of service that could be undertaken, but I think each member should serve for at least one school year as a middle school teacher. Among other teaching responsibilities, each should teach courses on civics. As we are often reminded, we learn best by teaching others.

Third, the President of the United States would not be proposing or signing legislation during this period. So his attention should be focused on the world. The world is changing really fast, and we need to better understand our role in the world through this renewal process. As the President visits one country after another, he should take small groups of our members of Congress along with him. They can afford a little time away from their school and community responsibilities. However, these should be visits to parts of the world the President would rarely go, to meet with people the President would rarely meet. His delegation would hear from the people of these countries and better understand the hopes and dreams of those who will shape our future as we shape theirs. It will be a reminder for all of us that our world is growing increasingly interdependent.

Fourth, the Supreme Court of the United States would take as few cases as possible during our two years of renewal and would all agree to stay on the court during that time. An unfortunate and unexpected vacancy would be left open until the two-year period is complete. The justices would have the opportunity to spend time on our college and university campuses teaching in short residencies on the topics of justice, the rule of law and the constitution. The nine of them could spread around the nation, and our educational institutions could collaborate in bringing our students and faculty together for times of deeper reflection on our founding principles.

At the end of the two-year renewal period, we would sponsor a national dialogue on American democracy, where symposia would be held in communities around the country led by our government leaders.

What would we accomplish? Would this fundamentally change our government? I think so. Here’s why. I am not naive enough to think any individual’s ideology would be changed through such an experience. What they would be learning, however, is that service in the national interest is more important than political or judicial power. They would see how their examples of leadership can either inspire or defile a nation. It might be they would understand more clearly that collective reflection between and among our branches of government would mean far more to us than their individual actions or accomplishments. Two years of renewal would give us a generation of outstanding leadership.

I suppose there would be the risk of several reality TV shows following members of Congress around schools and communities. But that’s OK. As long as there aren’t political attack ads between segments, I’ll watch – and learn.

This piece was originally written for The Des Moines Register’s A Better Iowa, where President Mark Putnam served as a featured columnist.


About the Author

Mark Putnam

I'm the lucky individual who carries the title, 21st president of Central College in Pella, Iowa. Passionate about higher education and the issues facing it and the world today, I hope to invoke an engaging conversation with all who are ready to dig in, make a difference and build for the future. Share your thoughts. I'm listening and interested.



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